Iwama Ryu, Ryu Ha

Post date: Jul 21, 2010 7:20:45 PM

Well what really is Iwama Ryu Saito Sensei himself remained with the Aikikai until his passing. Since that time there has been some changes in Australia, with some choosing to follow Saito's son, some the Aikikai and others to for, their own Iwama Ryu organisations.

Field Aikido - Melbourne based HQ headed by Michael Field with 10 or so dojo mostly in Victoria but some around the country. Together with some international dojo have formed Iwama Ryu as an independent organisation

Takemusu Aiki Association - Probably Australia's first Saito Sensei student, Saburo Takayasu Sensei heads this organisation of~5 dojo mostly based in Sydney. It is still a member of the Aikikai

Iwama Shin Shin Aiki Shurenkai - Is the new organisation formed by Saito Sensei's son Hitohiro Sensei, there are several dojo in Australia 

There are a few other Iwama style dojos around that are more or less independent as well (Melbourne?)