
This is a large website, with plenty of articles. If your new to aikido we recommend some of the starter articles in the drop down menu. If you have been around the traps a bit ..dig on and get lost a while.

 Some things fit into more than one catagory though..thats life.

About Aikido

What is Aikido? (orgins of the art, the founder, prominent students of the founder, prominat practicioners i have come across)

About (What is aiki)

A personal lineage of aikido

Aikido Styles (There are many styles here is a brief description)

Aikiphysics - A personal long term project, many pages here

Art of Ukemi - exploring ukemi through video, commentry

Choosing a Brisbane Martial Arts Academy - How to choose a dojo

DR Aikido (Daito Ryu that is) - the forerunner art to aikido

Attacks in Aikido

Hard or Soft

Ryutai - The elusive Freestyle Aikido practice

Budo in Brisbane and Beyond

Aikido Australia - Aikido Styles in Australia

Aikido Queensland - Dojos in Queensland

Brisbane Aikido - Dojo in Brisbane

ki aikido australia - A history of Ki aikido in Australia

Brisbane martial arts - Some of the other martial arts in Brisbane

Aikido effectiveness

Are we doing "Cargo Cult" Aikido - A look at aikido through the cargo cult

Dreamworld Aikido - A tongue in cheek look at theme parks and aikido

Aikido and reality

On Violence - Lots or pages on violent crime statistics

Combat Aikido - Bit of a catch cry but is it grounded in reality?

Keeping it Real

ABout running a club

Growing a Dojo - I took a dojo from 5 to 150 students, heres how and some critical thinking to decide what you want in terms of size and go get it.

Aikido Techniques for teaching - Resources for beginners teaching, how to be an instructor, traps and pitfalls for teaching and teaching methedologies

About Aikido Yuishinkai

Syllabus Resources

Reflections on the Aikido Yuishinkai Syllabus, Aikido Yuishinkai Syllabus Pt II Grading - Thoughts on the beauty of the syllabus seen over a 10yr period

66% more Aikido techniques at the National Seminar

Kontai - Seeking the soul of Aikido

Discovering Aiki

Dreamworld Aikido

By Technique

Talking about technique in words doesn't work, but here are some words and some videos from youtube. Might be interesting reading.


Kontai - Seeking the soul of Aikido

Aikido Yuishinkai Ikkyo in 5 easy steps

Origins of Ikkyo

Tenchi nage

Tenchinage - More Kontai and Kutai level techniques


Shionage - Intro and Part I Syllabus

Shionage Part II - A Weapons perspective

Shionage Part III - Bunkai (Application of kata)


Knife Defence - Some Philipino knife and aikido compared

Boken Tori - Aikido revisited A look at Bokken nage as a concept

Seminar and trip  reports

I have had the pleasure of attending many aikido seminars in many styles as well as from other martial arts as well (see lineage). I get to travel a bit and usually pack a gi. Here are some notes from these experiences (Trip and Seminar Reports)


Circle, Triangle and Square - A look at this classic Koan from O'Sensei

Are we doing "Cargo Cult" Aikido

Aikido Meditation - the many forms

Martial Arts Lessons - obligation or fee for service

Aikido Secrets - mastering the art of aikido 

Yoga and aikido - a comparison by Mark Evans

Aikido aikido a short intro

Aikido in daily life

Aikido a quick look at the chinese characters in aikido

Martial a look at what martial means