Choosing a Brisbane Martial Arts School or Academy

Choosing a Martial Arts Academy or School

Essential information for choosing a martial arts school, academy, club or centre in Brisbane. If you are wanting to learn a martial art here are some tips to help you decide. You may not necessarily know what to look for at first.  And they come for a range of different reasons.  Some are looking for self-defence, health and fitness, some want to learn a traditional martial art, others are interested in the internal energy development or just want to kick butt after seeing the latest action movie at the cinema.  Ultimately these aspects and many others form part of martial arts like Aikido and it is up to the prospective student to decide if the particular art and the academy or school suits them or not.  Read on about what we offer the new martial arts aspirant and some tips to help you if you visit another martial arts academy or school in Brisbane (or elsewhere).

Choosing a martial art

The human body is adaptive but can only move in so many ways, the evolution of the martial systems are designed to get to the top of this mountain, though there are many paths there.  Aikido practice encompasses many aspects for training the mind, body and spirit.  If you have particular interests in certain aspects you may find these other arts more suitable.  For example for grappling arts you might like Judo and Jujutsu, the striking arts Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Silat and Kung Fu.  If weapons are your interest then arts like Iaido (sword-drawing) and Jodo (staff) may be the way to go.  Finally internal arts like Bagua Zang and Taichi also share much in common with Aikido.

Selecting a place to learn

While we hope you will come and practice Aikido it may be that you end up somewhere else and / or doing another art.  If so here are some questions to ask yourself and members of any school you are interested in trying, to help you in your search.

The study of martial arts brings with it the cultural context of the origin of the country. Each dojo will select its place along the cultural continium from traditional uniforms, pieces of the language right through to adopting the traditional training methods and codes of behaviour. Whats best and whats best for you is not easy to Answer. Dave Lowrys essay Introduction: A Coconut Palm in Missouri is a splendid treatment of the issues

Weel here you are wanting to do a martial art and that means fighting, so the only way to know you are do the real thing is to fight right? Thus many martial arts engage in competitions and maybe have walls of trophys from this or that federation (it might only be a federation of 3 clubs or could be hundreds of clubs though). The thing is competition is a subset of combat, it has to be or people would die, other arts like the koryu and aikido eschew competition because they say it leads to developing an incorrect mindset or isn't realistic.

In a top down structure, where sensei makes the rules and students take the hits and falls in prescribed manner it can happen that the reality of martial arts practice can become quite removed from reality. IN Aikido circles its called "Pooh Bear Aikido" you know like a real bear but soft and cuddly instead. And where the cultural trappings rather than the underlying substance become the alternate and dominant reality. (see Are we doing "Cargo Cult" Aikido)

It can be very difficult to leave such groups.