Aikido Friendship Seminar May 2-4

Post date: Jan 14, 2010 12:40:33 AM

Invitation to attend an Aikido Friendship Seminar 

Matsusaka, Japan 

May 2-4, followed by a cultural tour

In late 2008 Hashimoto Sensei sent a letter of invitation to join him in a friendship Seminar in rural Matsusaka Japan with a view to inviting a few organisations to participate in what might become a regular event. It was a happy out come that Master Koretoshi Maruyama and Michael Williams Sensei from Aikido Yuishinkai agreed to teach together with Minoru Oshima Sensei from the Kodokai Aikido.

With a few visits to fine tune the details and many many emails the friendship seminar was realised and with the support of Aikido Yuishinkai Australia and many students it turned into a reality. 

The seminar will be held in Matsusaka, Japan from May 2-4 and is followed by an optional cultural tour. The seminar website lists all of the seminar and cultural tour details for intending participants and some images. So far we have many aikido students from Australia and overseas gathering for the seminar together with a strong contingent from all over Japan. There are a few places yet remaining and Sensei would like to hear from any aikido interested in attending.