Learning in the dojo

Post date: Dec 11, 2010 9:53:4 AM

With the preferred teaching model in the dojo being that of one-on-one instruction its everyones job to act as instructor to each other throughout the course of each night.  Learning aikido is about seeing, receiving instruction and doing. While watching and listening to a technique demonstrated from the person who job it is to set the nights program is a big component of learning, the feeling of the technique through receiving it and then doing the technique is where most of the learning actually takes place. I want to encourage you all as uke (teacher) and nage(student) to allow this learning to take place as something learnt primarily through doing (experiential implicit learning ). Freed from technical instruction during partner practice nage will learn faster and gain greater confidence in this manner, though a pointer and verbal feedback here or there is good.  Where possible allow each other to complete the movement and build confidence without the overload of too much information - which tends to just paralyse. I am greater encouraged by the manner in which new students can perform Tanninzugake to a good standard after just several lessons using this approach and training with experienced people. I look forward to the years together as we pass on the minuta and ahem…secrets to each other.