08 Aikido Yuishinkai grading syllabus DVD

The Aikido Yuishinkai Grading and Syllabus DVD and Weapons DVD's as demonstrated by Michael Williams Sensei, provides detailed instruction of the grading syllabus from 7th kyu through 3rd Dan, weapons kata and weapons exercises. Also included are the warm-up taiso exercises, blending exercises. Both of these DVD's are professionally shot and produced using upto three camera, edited and produced by Australian Society of Cinematography member and long time budo buddy Simon Russell. Pick them up from the dojo (yeah we get them a bit cheaper) or if your from further afield they can be ordered directly from him through http://seatofknowledge.com, budovideos.com or directly from  Aikido Yuishinkai

The Aikido Yuishinkai Grading and Syllabus DVD as demonstrated by Michael Williams Sensei, provides detailed instruction of the grading syllabus from 7th kyu through 3rd Dan. Also included are the warm-up taiso exercises, blending exercises, the 10 basic forms and the weapons grading katas. This DVD presents the Aikido Yuishinkai syllabus in a easy to understand format and is an essential resource tool to accompany the Aikido Yuishinkai Student Handbook. 

This DVD has been shot and produced by members of the ACS (Australian Cinematographers Society) utilising pro-lighting and multicamera viewing. The produced DVD is fully menu driven to provide a convenient reference to the grading, weapons and techniques of Aikido Yuishinkai as taught by Maruyama Sensei. This is an excellent companion to the student handbook and valuable addition to any aikido library. 

2 DVD set, Available in DVD-R PAL format, NTSC 

PAL order. 

Contents Disc 2

Aikido Grades

7th Kyu 3:15

6th Kyu 4:50

5th Kyu 5:46

4th Kyu 5:37

3rd Kyu 7:10

Grading Info

Grading terms 1:36

Grading etiquette 1:15

Significance of belts & hakama 1:56

Progression of practice 1:35

Aikido exercises

Taiso 16:09

The 10 Basic Forms 2:02

Blending exercises 4:51

Katameru 1:14

Omote Vs Ura 0:21

Strikes & Holds 1:26

Aikido lineage

Master Morihei Ueshiba 2:31

Master Koretoshi Maruyama 3:48

Michael Williams Sensei 2:34

Contents Disc 2

Kyu grades continued

2nd Kyu 29:12

1st Kyu 25:04

Dan Grades

Shodan 25:23

Nidan 32:11

Sandan 34:57


Katatedori 2:21

Ryotedori 1:50

Katadori 2:22

Yokomenuchi 3:34

Ushirotekubidori 2:23

Shomenuchi 2:22

Munetsuki 2:41

Tanto Tori 4:18

Bokken Tori 3:25

Jo Tori 3:06

Jo Nage 1:44

Katatekosadori 2:09

Ryotemochi 2:33

Zagi 5:18

Zagihandachi 3:25

Weapons Kata

(Angle button selection)

Sword of Nine Ways

Free Wielding Sword

Sword of the Dream

Shooting Star


Aikido Yuishinkai Weapons DVD

Michael Williams Sensei (Aikido Yuishikai - International Chief Instructor) has just released the long awaited Weapons DVD set. This 2 DVD set demonstrates the Aiki-Bokken and Aiki-Jo basics, exercises, Tori, Kumi katas and Hitori katas professionally filmed with 3 different angles to choose from.

2 DVD set, Available in DVD-R PAL format, NTSC 

PAL order. 

Bokken Arts (Disc 1)

Aiki Bokken basics

Basic bokken Kamae

Basic Bokken Hanmi

Bokken Etiquette

Bokken Handling

Holding the Bokken

Ukemi with a Bokken (3 views)

Bokken Exercises

Shomenuchi Exercises

Yokomenuchi Exercises

Additional Exercises

Bokken Hitori Kata

Sword of Nine Ways (3 views)

Free Wielding Sword (3 views)

Sword of The Dream (3 views)

Sword of Four Seasons (3 views)

Sword of Infinity (3 views)

Bokken Tori

Shomenuchi (3 views)

Yokomenuchi (3 views)

Munetsuki (3 views)

Bokken Kumi Kata (3 views)

Jo Arts (Disc 2)

Aiki Jo Basics

Jo Hitori Kata

Shooting Star (3 views)

Butterfly (3 views)

Harvest (3 views)

Jo Tori

Shomenuchi (3 views)

Yokomenuchi (3 views)

Munetsuki (3 views)

Jo Nage (3 views)

Kumi Jo (3 views)