October Aikido Seminars: Main meals or a bit on the side

Post date: Sep 08, 2010 1:43:38 AM

What better way to beat the winter blues and welcome in spring than with a veritable feast of aikido seminars in October. Seminars are a great way to get some themed instruction, see the art from a different point of view and renew beginners mind. Treat them as your main meal or a bit of spice on the side

Theres plenty of local action within an easy drive, or for the more adventurous pop down to Sydney or other capital cities.

Aikido Yuishinkai

From our own school there are the Williams Sensei seminars 

Perth: 25, 26 (27) September: a long weekend in WA 

Byron: 2,3,4 October: NSW long weekend 

Melbourne: 15-17 October 

see http://aikidoyuishinkai.com for details 

Kenkyukai Australia have 

Takeda Shihan 8th dan Sensei . 

Sydney : October 1-3 


All styles are welcome - would that I could get to this 

Takeda Satoshi sensei 7th dan, 

Noosa: 9,10 Oct $130 inc. accom 

by way of invitation from Chico Xerri sensei 


Andrew Seyderhelm, Systema Workshop 

26 Sept $60 

Brisbane's only licensed Systema instructor has returned from international camp and is running a workshop in a park. Systema is a bit like aikido in combat fatigues.


I've added them to the calendar http://www.aikidorepublic.com/aikido-calendar-seminars for easy reference. You can subscribe through your favourite electronic calendar/ or smart phone to!