New Year Misogi, Beer and Budo

Post date: Dec 28, 2011 5:50:40 AM

Next week we re-open the dojo after our prolonged? absence of a week, with the ritual purification of the dojo and ourselves for the new year on Tuesday night(Jan 3rd) . This usually involves the esoteric practice of funakogi waza with a long pole adorned with faux straw and other mysteries involving water, colloquially known in the west as broom, mop and bucket. If you think you can help we would love to see you at the dojo at 7:30pm.

Instead of our regular class on following Thursday night we will have guest instructor and good friend Andrew Sunter Sensei on Friday night Jan 6th at the usual time of 8pm, after class please join us at A&E (Alison and Eric's) for some beer and snacks. Please register for catering purposes . If your a visitor to the dojo, we'd love to have you, subject to space, please contact the dojo directly.