
Thanks for giving our dojo a try. We handle most of our communication by email

Please join our 1. private email lists to receive regular communications and 2. our news service for announcements.

You should subscribe to these lists if you want to stay in touch (some things we forget to mention in class)

There are unsubscribe options each time you receive a message if you decide its not for you

1. Private mailing list

 a. Aikido Republic Mailing list. Send an email to aikidorepublic-subscribe(AT)  Replace the (AT) with @ though. Yahoo will write back to you asking for confirmation. Please use your real name when filling in details

b. Internal Strength (Sunday special interest subgroup). Send an email to ayis-subscribe(AT)  Replace the (AT) with @ though. Yahoo will write back to you asking for confirmation. 

IMPORTANT: Please identify you self by name in the comments field so we know who you are. These mailing lists are  only for dojo members

2. Weekly News

A lot of dojo announcements, activities and interesting articles are on blog site

(i) You can subscribe using the subscribe button on


(ii) get a weekly digest via the following form.

Buying a GI and equipment

We have a discount on offer at RMR Martial Arts supply at Palmdale shopping centre (Opposite Garden city), they sell go's and basic weapons.

If your reading this on the dojo notice board find this page on line at