11 Hosting Seminars

This document aims to capture informal policy and practices from Aikido Yuishinkai in Australia in recent times. This policy provides clear guidelines for all involved in seminars, thus negating unexpected surprises and expectation, freedom from worry and negotiation of cultural expectations to take place. For those intending on hosting seminars it offers upfront expectations and clear hand over of duties and responsibilities.

A mutually agreed upon guidelines for hosting national and international seminars between the Aikido Yuishinkai Association and the office of the National and International Chief instructor

Contributors D.James, J. Gam, T.Hansen, P. Kelly, A. Sunter, J Ward, J. Nicholls

proposal Drafted Jan 2009, updated April 18 2009, updated October 22 October

1. Introduction

This policy aims to capture informal policy and practices from Aikido Yuishinkai in Australia in recent times. This policy provides clear guidelines for all involved in seminars, thus negating unexpected surprises and expectation, freedom from worry and negotiation of cultural expectations to take place. For those intending on hosting seminars it offers upfront expectations and clear hand over of duties and responsibilities.


The policy outlines responsibilities of the host dojo, the AYA Association (referred to as the association) the office of the Chief Instructor (which may include their secretary or others enlisted on their behalf) and misc. accompanying persons.


Hosting a seminar can be an enriching experience for any dojo and its members. Whilst it is a lot of work, when surrounded by a team of people from your dojo and nearby dojos many hands make light work. Essential to the success of running an event is good planning. Good planning means setting dates well ahead of time, booking spaces if required and generating lots of advance publicity. Planning for a set number of students allows a budget to be developed to ensure that there is no out of pocket expenses and that perhaps a little extra finances can be generated for next time.


It is important to make the seminar as accessible as possible to aikidoka of all affiliations and skill levels. In the past early bird payments have helped secure advance bookings, billeting and discounts for those needing to travel have helped reduce the financial burden for committed attendees. As seminars are often hosted in turn by may dojo there is a lot of shared information and expertise available within AYA.



2. Determining events

The AYA Association recommends an annual calendar of events to the National Chief Instructor who then sets the National calendar for the year and arranges acceptances on behalf of invited instructors. At this time professional fees, accompanying persons and travel arrangements are also determined


3. Hosting

Hosting a seminar involves many aspects including arranging accommodation, looking after teaching instructors and their accompanying persons, development of a programme and payment of fees.

3.1 Accommodation

Local accommodation costs including all meals shall be provided for the official party. A sightseeing programme is often expected

3.2 Guest instructors

This section primarily refers to the official party. The official party usually comprises of teaching instructors, chief instructors and their spouses. Often others may accompany a visiting instructor at own cost. If there is an expectation that additional persons are to be covered by the seminar this should be arranged upfront (sect 2.).  Usually the persons on the national calendar are instructors forming the executive of Aikido Yuishinkai International including, but not limited to the Chief instructor of Australia, the International Chief instructor, the founder, the president, the president elect. It may also refer to other instructors invited by the association.  NOTE: Currenty the international and Australian chief instructor are filled by one person.


A spouse or accompanying person is also included. Additional persons may be included by prior agreement. Where many instructors are to be supported, the office of the chief instructor shall take into account the financial burden and restrict paid spousal accompaniment.


3.3 Seminar and programme

The seminar programme shall be determined by the individual host dojo and submitted to the office of the chief instructor for approval before being publicised. Guidelines for individual instructors such as hours per day they can teach and particular content should also be obtain prior to drafting the programme.


During the seminar the host instructor shall remain in charge and supervise the dojo. The host instructor shall ensure that appropriate safety measures and practices are followed during the seminar and advise the guest instructors of any specific issues.


The host instructor may require guest instructors to sign a professional indemnity waiver.


Guest instructors should advise ahead of time any specific requests for specialised equipment required to be at the seminar or brought by participants.


The host dojo should ensure the 2 complete sets of weapons (bokken, jo , tanto), fresh water,  and writing equipment (e.g. white board, butchers paper , stand and pens)_be available.

 A designated first aid officer must be appointed for the duration of the seminar


3.3.1 Seminar series

Where there is a national seminar series, each host is entitled to set its own fees. All venues contribute an equal share of travel costs including internal and external flights, excepting private transport (e.g. Brisbane –Byron) (see section 4.1)

3.3.2 Media rights

Media rights are retained by the host dojo whose permission to film or take photographs should be sought prior to commencement of the seminar. Group photos are normally an exception to this.

3.3.3 Financial matters and Risk

The AYA is an advisory body only and therefore has no financial interest in the running of seminars (profit or loss). Host dojo are free to run their own seminar on whatever financial model they like: profit-making, cost-neutral, or subsidised (loss-making). Host dojo are urged to consider the options of event and travel insurance to cover the risks of hosting.

 3.4 Social Events

Seminars should include in their programme a social event and a meeting with instructors or seniors to be hosted by the chief instructor and/or the association. An opportunity for speeches is appropriate. A gift for visiting instructors and spouse is expected either during the seminar or at a social event.

3.5 Payment of fees

All seminar fees shall be collected by the host dojo who are free to set their own cancellation policies and arrangements should an advertised instructor be unable to attend. The host dojo is responsible for ensuring that any taxes or levies are paid.


For example taxes may be due for professional payments to foreign nationals, these are often the legal responsibility of the host dojo. Tax rate is 49% at the time of writing. Payments of one off honariums are not usually subject to taxation. We recommend consulting a tax professional if there are any concerns.

3.6 Professional fees

Professional fees are set on a per hourly basis for each individual instructor. This fee may be recommended by the association or set by the chief instructor (see section 2) .


Professional fees are currently paid in cash to the host instructor in the currency of their choice. The host dojo may also request a recipient created invoice and/or receipt for the instructor to sign. It is the host dojos responsibility to ensure foreign witholding taxes are paid if required and are advised to seek the services of a tax professional if they have any concerns.

4 Travel arrangements

Once the programme has been set the office of the chief instructor is responsible for arranging flights and may request prepayment of a portion of the travel expenses. The office may appoint someone to make the travel arrangements on its behalf (independent of the Association)


Where the instructor travels primarily for personal activities, the airfares shall be paid pro-rata with the time spent on personal business. Reasonable travel expenses of visiting instructors shall be met by host dojo.


4.1 Return economy airfares

All airfares are normally shared equally between dojo on the seminar program. It may include an upfront cost prior to commencement of the seminar and payment to the office of the chief instructor once airfares have been purchased. If necessary receipts for tax purposes shall be provided.

Airfares shall be economy airfares purchased with sufficient lead-time by the office of the chief instructor to ensure a good price is obtained.

4.2 Local transfers

This is the responsibility of the local hosting dojo for airport transfers, negotiating hand over to another dojo (whee airfare is not required), transport to the dojo and associated social events. Sightseeing is often also included, the office of the chief instructor shall advise what the requirements are (see sect. 2.).

5.0 Attending and teaching at seminars

5.1 Attending

Attending seminars is to be encouraged, when attending seminars (particularly internationally) it is appropriate to check with the local organisers about mat fees and accommodation arrangements. Sometimes an invitation to assist at a seminar is made by officers of Aikido Yuishinkai international in such cases the above still applies and is at the local organisers discretion wether some support or a waiver will be made.


5.2 Teaching

Teaching at other peoples dojo within Australia is to be encouraged and does not normally require any permissions, as to are informal offers to teach at any other dojo. When invited to teach at other seminars internationally it is appropriate to seek permission of the chief instructor of that country also appropriate to inform international chief instructor(AS).