07 Aikido Yuishinkai release and code of conduct

Aikido Yuishinkai Release and Indemnity Agreement

This document will affect your legal rights and liabilities

Please read carefully before signing.

I am aware that Aikido is a martial art and hence certain traditions and principles must be understood and observed at all times. The practise of Aikido involves an element of danger and unpredictability and permanent and serious injury could possibly result from the participation in Aikido practise.

I freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers and hazards and the possibility of personal injury, death, property damage or loss resulting from such risks, dangers and hazards. I hereby agree as follows:

1.   TO ASSUME AND ACCEPT ALL RISKS, DANGERS AND HAZARDS in connection with the practise of Aikido.

2.   TO WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS that I may have against Aikido Yuishinkai Australia Inc. and ________________ , their directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives.

3.   TO RELEASE Aikido Yuishinkai Australia Inc. and ________________from any and all liability for any loss, damage, injury or expense that I, or my next of kin, may suffer or incur as a result of my actions due to any cause whatsoever, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE ON THE PART OF Aikido Yuishinkai Australia and ________________.

4.   TO HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY Aikido Yuishinkai Australia Inc. and ________________ from any and all liability for property damage, personal injury or death suffered by myself or by a third party as a result of (a) my use of the facilities and/or (b) my breach of the terms and conditions upon.

5.   THAT THIS RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT shall be effective and binding upon my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, ad assigns, in the event of my death;

6.   TO OBEY all warning signs and other notices posted within the facilities and to obey the Code.

7.   Carefully follow the training instructions, dojo rules for etiquette and safety at all times during my practise of Aikido.

8.   I am not required to perform any techniques or practise in any situation, which I consider to be unsafe, in which case I agree to notify the instructor immediately of my concerns.

I further represent that I am able to participate in and undertake physical exercise and I am not aware of having any physical, medical, mental or health disability or conditions or disease which might or could be aggravated or worsened by physical exercise or which might or could result in deterioration of health if physical exercise is undertaken.

I have read and understood this Release and Indemnity Agreement prior to signing it and am aware that by signing this document, I am affecting the legal rights and liabilities of myself, my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigns.

Further I acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Student Code of Conduct.

Signed:           ______________________________     Witness:   _________________________________

Name:             ______________________________       Name:   _________________________________

Date:               ______________________________         Date:   _________________________________       

Parent or guardian signature (if applicable)

The above named participant is under the age of 18.

I am a parent/guardian of the participant and am aware of the risks involved and I further consent to the above named’s participation in Aikido.

I further agree to be bound by the terms of this Release and Indemnity Agreement.

Signed: ____________________________________    Witness:   _______________________________________

Name:    ____________________________________       Name:   _______________________________________

Date:      ____________________________________         Date:   _______________________________________



Student Code of Conduct

The Head Dojo Instructor/Instructor reserves the right to direct students to cease training and leave the mat and/or premises.

Successful risk management is best achieved when all students adopt a spirit of responsibility in regard to safety issues. Students should be aware of and agree to adhere to, the following measures:

Prior to Training

a.   Be aware of the dojo’s safety policies before undertaking training. Advice is available from Instructors.

b.   Notify the Head Dojo Instructor/Instructor of any pre-existing medical condition or disability prior to training. For serious conditions a medical clearance must be obtained.

c.   After serious injury or illness, students should not return to physical training until the student has fully recovered. If there is any doubt, a medical clearance must be obtained.

d.   Students must not participate if they have injuries or conditions such as serious cuts or abrasions, rashes, boils or any other contagious condition. Minor abrasions and cuts must be adequately dressed and covered prior to training.

e.   Remove jewellery, watches and other ornaments prior to training, which may cause injury.

f.    Long hair must be secured.

g.   Fingernails and toenails must be smooth and short.

h.   Wear a training gi or other appropriate clothing and ensure that it is in good repair.

i.    Ensure that weapons are in good repair and stored in appropriate manner when not in use.

j.    Cleanliness of both clothing and person is essential.

k.    Never train under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

During Training

a.   At all times, obey the instructions of the Instructor including the direction to cease training.

b.   Students may opt to decline to participate in any activity they feel uncomfortable with.

c.   Students should train at a level they feel comfortable with. Always attempt a technique/activity at the basic level before proceeding to a more advanced level.

d.   Partners should train at the level of the least experienced partner.

e.   Competency at rolling and break falling is developed over a long period of time. Partners should agree prior to training whether they are prepared to take a fall (ukemi). Proceed slowly.

f.    Take care to avoid collisions on the mat by being aware of the other students training on the mat.

g.   Train only in the specific technique demonstrated by the Instructor.

h.   Freestyle training must be supervised by an Instructor.

i.    Report all accidents to the Instructor immediately. Exercise universal precautions in regard to blood-borne pathogens (see Preventative Health Measures below).

j.    Notify the Instructor if any medical condition becomes apparent during training that may affect safety.

k.    Students should pace themselves according to their level of fitness and competency.

l.    Students should avoid dehydration and over-exertion.