Paypal Payments

Hey we've gone electronic, please don't bring your money to the dojo!  We have used Paypal for many years, its safe and secure and you don't need to disclose any financial details to us, only to Paypal! We have never had a payment problem and will cheerfully refund if you make a mistake. NB The discount rates apply to concession card holders, Yudansha and after 12mths as an active member

Please enter your payments in the dojo green book when next you are in

All Payments valid for 3 months

Mat fees

Trying us out

Some one off class option to get you started

Regular Fees

Pay by the month or 6 lesson block

Monthly subscription

Save the hassle of doing this every month - let paypal do it for you. You can cancel at anytime. Instructions and button below


All members are required to contribute to our insurance policy after joining.

Irregular Payment

To pay some other amount, order multiple quantities of $5 amounts  to reach desired total.

To cancel a subscription

1.  Log in to PayPal

2.  Click History at the top of the page.

3.  Find the subscription in your History.

4.  Click the Details link for the subscription.

5.  Click the Cancel Subscription button.