
All classes are lead by NCAS qualified instructors

Our instructors have Qld government child protection Blue Cards and our instructors are nationally accredited level 2 NCAS coaches through the Australian Sports Commission and Australian Jujitsu Federation. Our assistants have undergone introductory coaching by the Australian Sports Commission.

In actual fact all members of the dojo will be your instructors in many senses because in a partner based art such as aikido 'feeling is believing'. Being apprenticed into our school means working with skilled people rather than mostly with other beginners, we believe it is the best way to experience, learn and contribute to learning aikido. This is  the traditional way of learning martial arts and has much in common with how Australias best athletes are developed

See details of all our instructors, contributors and friends of dojo.

You can read more our instructors, their commitment to learning and lineage in the About Us section of the website.