Personal Protection for Student Linx

Post date: Aug 19, 2011 10:32:59 AM

This week our self defence programme for Student Linx, Griffith University kicked off. In the process of preparing the materials we managed to talk to Griffith University about incidents on record on campus over the past few years. Did you know that this year to date there have been no incidences on campus and that in previous years there were only a few minor instances. With a population of over 20,000 on campus thats pretty amazing and while hard to compare to the national average (because the number of incidences are so low) it appears that it is at least 50x safer that the rest of Australia. 

None the less with a few simple precautions to minimise placing ones self in the wrong place at the wrong time it can be even safer. Simple things like jogging with others, being fully alert by not wearing earphones when out an about and understanding the increased risks associated with alcohol one can be and feel even safer. The core of our materials developed as a lecture and hands on workshops can be found in our Self Defence Primer  we hope the programme is a great success and thanks to Aran and Ben for delivery of materials.