
On the Web

aikiweb.com - one stop internet forum for aikido, discussion forum, dojo listings

aikido journal -  Run by aikido's most well known historian, its a site and newsletter for the enthusiast

Dojos we like to visit... 

Local Bayside Budokai - FudoShin Aikido Kenkyukai Noosa - Sunshine Coast Yoshinkan

Interstate  Sydney Yuishinkai - Aikicentre melbourne

Discussion groups

[Aikido Australia] - pretty quiet these days but was a hub of info at one stage

[Brisbane Aikido] - Announcement list of events in and around Brisbane

[Aikido Yuishinkai] - Unofficial email list for Aikido Yuishinkai

AikidoFAQ  - Ancient as the hills but a good FAQ for aikido

Martial Arts Humor 

Stooge-Fu· The art of Larry, Curly and Mo

LLAP-Goch - The monty Python Martial Art

Dog Judo - Great animated sketches of judo dogs, some english humor appreciation helps too

Ki-Fusion Aikido- as seen in Blitz magazine 

AustralianPlanet Australia's Search Engine

Aikido Health Centre

Practical, step-by-step tips on aikido and health to boost your energy levels and fast-track your Aikido skills. An absolute ton of FREE, unique information, FREE Harmony ezine, Ecourses, software, ebooks and more!

Complete Martial Arts.com Most comprehensive site for all areas of martial 

arts related subjects including styles, history, people, movies, books, etc.