Iwama Ryu

Post date: Jan 29, 2010 10:31:3 AM

The Iwama dojo was where O-Sensei spent a lot of his time and - depending on who you talked to - the only place where the study of weapons was permitted (most likely because at the Hombu in Tokyo there were many teachers drawing on many weapon lineages and it was confusing for students).  Saito Sensei, something of a living historian of the art, strove to preserve what he learnt from O-Sensei and what he taught became colloquially known as Iwama Ryu and he began to issue his own certificates in weapons. 

With his passing a number of formal Aikido ryuha formed based on Iwama style.

Many students chose to remain with the Aikikai, some followed Saito Sensei's son and formal successor Hitohiro Sensei with Iwama Shin-Shin Aiki Shuren-kai which is heading in new directions, while others banded together forming a variety of Iwama Ryu ryuha each with their own claims to legitimacy.