Ki Aikido Australia - A Short Chronology

Dear reader,

A work in progress. Here are some ideas jotted down. They are meant to chronicle the arrival and practice of Aikido with Ki in Australia. Thus I hope to trace the lineages and development of Ki Society, Yuishinkai, Kokikai and the Ki Federation in Australia + any others that may surface before they become lost in time. It is the work of the author and contributors and thus may contain mistakes, omissions, and almost certainly personal biases etc. Corrections, contributions, constructive criticism and ideas are welcome and acknowledged.

As with any history its difficult to stay completely current and list every dojo, organisations do this much better than I can and with more authority. Listing of currently affiliated international Ki style dojo are maintained by their respective organisations [Aikido Yuishinkai, Ki Society International, Kokikai]

Ki Society Australia / Yuishinkai

Aikido Kokikai 

Aikido Kokikai Australia is headed by Shuji Ozeki under the founder and President of Aikido Kokikai International, Shuji Maruyama Sensei, who comes to Australia to teach regularly.  Michael Sinagra instigated the Peel, WA branches of Aikido Kokikai in 1994*. The national director is Allen Lu.

Mike Sinagra learned directly under Maruyama Sensei in Japan, and all of the dojo in WA came from him (there are two at the moment I think). Shuji Ozeki founded UNSW dojo, and all the other AKA dojo come from him, his students, his students' students, etc - Melbourne, Brisbane, Lismore, etc. [GD]

*,, , , accessed 24/8/05


The following people have contributed to the development of this material and are acknowledged in the text.

[MW]  Michael Williams, Ki Society handbook, Aikido Yuishinkai handbook, (accessed 23/08/05)

[RK]  Roby Kessler,

(accessed 23/08/05)

[CH]  Chris Hall,,

(accessed 23/08/05)

[TH]  Thom Hanson, personal communications (24/08/05)

[MT]  M. Trapp, personal communications (23/03/08)

[SH]  S. Hennessy, personal communications (02/06/08)

[AS]  Andrew Sunter, personal communications (23/09/05)

[MS]  Matthew Smart, personal communications (10/01/06)

[Anon]  Anonymous, personal communications (28/04/08)

[GD]  Glen Davidson, personal communications (09/12/08)