Santa comes to the Republic Dec 23rd 7:30-9pm

Post date: Nov 26, 2010 12:12:14 AM

Twas two nights before Christmas, when all through the land

Not a dojo was stirring, not even in Japan,

The hakamas were hung by Kamiza with care

In the hopes that Santa-san would be there!

Its my great pleasure to welcome Andrew Sunter Sensei (often confused as Santa-san in Japan) to the dojo on Dec 23rd as a special guest instructor. Sunter sensei has a rich and diverse experience in Aikido, holding dan grades in several Aiki arts together with experience in many other martial arts as well. Today he holds a 5th dan in the art of Aikido Yuishinkai, is the outgiong president of the national association and has accompanied Maruyama Sensei internationally on several occasions, often acting as his principle uke. Apart from his own dojos in Sydney he has taught many times nationally and internationally, including Japan. He is a trusted colleague of the senior instructors of Aikido Yuishinkai, and well respected across many Aikido styles in Australia. For many a dan grading wasn't a real dan grading with out having Sensei as an uke. I've had the privilege to join him on several of his Budo adventures and have benefitted enormously from his experience, introductions and friendship.

Recently he travelled to the UK and has picked up some fascinating insights on Maruyama sensei's art from Dennis Burke sensei (Isshinkai - Aikido Yuishinkai UK) which he has promised to share, along with other gems gleaned from along the path. The approach is challenging both its simplicity, approach to training and the role of uke. This is a terriffic opportunity to learn from his experience and sadly might be the last for awhile as he contemplates distant shores

Visitors welcome, it is essential to contact the dojo if you are interested in attending. Prior to sensei's visit we recommend you attend one our regular classes to learn the dojos approach to training and make best use of the short time he will be with us.