William Reed Sensei Seminars: Nanba and Aikido Yuishinkai, Brisbane (Aug 26/27/28) , Sydney (Sep 3/4)

Post date: Jun 22, 2011 5:44:17 AM

(Flyer attached below)

Hi Everyone,

Anthony Sensei from Redlands Aikido has just announced that there will be a William Reed Sensei Seminar in Brisbane  Aug 26/27/28 (and later in Sydney) one of which will be in Brisbane.   Reed Sensei  has been doing Aikido almost  forever and has written some very popular books on the subject (Ki; A road anyone can walk, Ki: A practical guide for Westerners), as well as acting as a translator for senior Japanese instructors.

In recent times he has written an number of books on other topics , some have even gone to the top ten list of Amazon in Japan, continued to practice Aikido and explore related arts like Shodo and more recently Nanba. Its very exciting to see him out in the west again and teaching.

In this seminar he will focus on the Nanba method as well as Aikido Yuishinkai. 

On a personal note I attended a Reed Sensei seminar in Byron quite a few years ago and enjoyed very much his youthful vigour for the art and ability to bring a western perspective to the art from one who understands it from a traditional perspective. More recently I have had the good opportunity to practice with him in Japan on sporadic occasions after an introduction by Sunter San (see Budo Bums in Japan, 2005). He brings a unique perspective and many insights through his understanding of Japanese language and culture to the art of Aikido.

As details are forth coming I'll keep the dojo website (http://www.aikidorepublic.com) updated and registration information/website

website for seminar  http://www.redlandsaikido.com/#!__events

Here is the invitation from Anthony Sensei (thankyou so much for organising)

Dear friends,

It is with great pleasure that I can formally announce that William Reed Sensei will be visiting Australia in the coming months. He has generously agreed to conduct two seminars, the first in Brisbane (Aug 26/27/28), the second in Sydney (Sep 3/4). Sensei will be introducing Nanba - the Art of Physical Finesse, in addition to teaching aspects of Yuishinkai Aikido. 

It is my understanding that these seminars will be the first time Nanba is taught outside of Japan! More about Nanba can be found here:More about Nanba can be found here:



More about William Reed Sensei can be found here:



The preliminary breakdown for the Brisbane seminar is:

- Fri: 1 x 90 min session: Introduction to Nanba and its relationship to music (TBC).

- Sat: 4 x 90 min Nanba sessions. (No ukemi required, so the sessions are open to anyone: friends, family, 


- Sun: 4 x 90 min Yuishinkai Aikido sessions.

A similar breakdown is likely for the Sydney seminar.

In the coming weeks, I'll confirm venues and mat fees. Please note that the seminar is open to anyone. Nanba requires no knowledge of Aikido, just an open mind and a willingness to learn and have fun. The Aikido sessions will be suitable for anyone capable of taking rudimentary ukemi. Aikidoka from any style are, of course, more than welcome.

Feel free to contact me on rasmusaj@mac.com

Kind regards,


Redlands Aikido, Brisbane

William Reed Sensei is back in Brisbane August 2013   reed13.aikidorepublic.com for all the details