Qld floods

Post date: Jan 11, 2011 11:41:41 PM

I have received a few calls from people locally and from afar wanting to know how everyone is faring. I wasn't much help to them but this is what little I know. Aikido Yuishinkai friends in Rockhampton are Ok (judging from facebook updates and communications with Barry sensei). In Brisbane everyone seems to be fine so far, though a few have had to leave or are preparing to leave their homes. Its been really nice to see the local aiki community pulling together to help each other out and the wider community as well. 

The sun is shining today but the city is in somewhat sombre mood with almost no traffic anywhere and the centre of the city has been shut down. It's just a waiting game at the moment as the waters rise to a peak in a few days time and while its pretty tough sitting on the sidelines not being able to do much, there will be plenty to do in the coming months.

Somewhat surreally we continue to practice in the dojo for now even though everyones lives have been touched, watching as the disaster slowly unfolds around us, because the alternative is to sit glued to a tv as the flood waters inextricably rise.

Kanso to all