Merry XMAS and happy new year

Post date: Dec 26, 2010 4:1:51 AM

Hi everyone, well the year just gone was fabulous for the Aikido Republic, what originally started out as a teaching notes blog in 2009 steadily evolved into a substantial website, a dojo in 2010 and in 2011 we will be offering 2 classes a week of mindful practice in a dedicated full time dojo.

To the site has been added the Art of Ukemi section with great material from the 'music nazis', which continues to attract a lot of intrest in the aikido community, the AikiPhysics pages that have gathered intrest, thanks in part to the Aikido Journal publishing of a few articles together with a gathering of miscellaneous writing from over the years and resources on teaching and running a dojo. The content has grown to over 300 pages, some of which have been syndicated. Its been a delight to provide information about all the aikdo dojo in Brisbane (albeit a bit brief for some) and  other martial arts in brisbane (sadly it seems aikido isn't everyones cup of tea after all), resources on self defence (there is a lot of mis information and fantasy  out there), together with the main styles of aikido locally and in Australia

Dojo wise next year we look forward to Alison Lane Sensei to the dojo as an accredited instructor and regular teacher. Alison holds a wealth of experience in Aikido, she has been practicing since the mid 90's and has recently relocated from new Zealand (where she ran her own dojo) and so we will be offering two classes per week from 7:45-9:15p, a surprisingly popular timeslot especially for those of us who have littlies to put to bed and for those who no longer wish to brave a peak hour rush to get to training. Whilst the dojo has only a few accredited instructors our view is that everyone is an instructor to everyone else through their gift of mindful ukemi. This leaves the 'accredited' instructors the job of opening the dojo, paying the rent and setting the ideas and framework for the nights practice.

A big thankyou to the greater aikido world that opened their dojos with opportunities to train with their visiting instructors and shihan throughout the year. This year we attended an international friendship seminar in Japan (which we organised the overseas contingent of) and attended additional seminars with the Aikido Yuishinkai, Aikido Yoshinkan, Aikido Kenkyukai, Aikikai and the Daito Ryu. Big thankyou's to Maruyama Sensei Williamas Sensei, Hashimoto Sensei and Oshima sensei's of Yuishinkai, Junshinkai and Kodokai for the international seminar and especially to Williams Sensei for permission to open a new dojo. 

Big thankyou to Kolb Sensei of the Bayside Budokai for the invitation to attend the Shimamoto Sensei seminar, Chiko Sensei of FudoShin dojo to attend the Saotoshi Takeda sensei seminar and Dangerfield of the Sunshine Coast Yoshinkan/ Shinto Muso Ryu  for the fabulous Joe Thambu Restraint and Removal seminar and Rassmusen sensei from Redlands dojo for Grant Sensei and the Takumakai Daito Ryu opportunity organised by Craig, together they give us vital windows into the broader aikido community. Big thank you you also to Sunter-san for a thoughtful class to see out the year with quite a few ideas to chew on over the Xmas.

Aikido Republic aims to adopt Aiki as not only a martial principle but also as a principle of joining together in learning the art. Republic, the second part of our name is a western idea of people working together toward a common goal. The Japanese name for our dojo is KyoWaKan the kanji itself is a somewhat literal translation of republic with a rich cultural history in Japan and China I am told.

On a personal note I'd like to thank the Kami's of serendipity for bringing those that gave encouragement to press on, somewhat ruefully the necessity to do, the support of collegues and friends and the gift of experienced and diverse aikidoka who came out of the woodwork to bring so much to the new dojo. I look forward to learning with many of you in the new year, reopening Tue Jan 4th