Nakayama Ko Aikido - Guest Instructor Thursday 24th March

Post date: Mar 08, 2011 11:48:15 PM

On Thursday 24th April Chris Radyk Sensei will present a little of the Nakayama KoAikido Kai school. Chris holds a traditional Menkyo licence from the Nakayama school. Chris has been a delight to have as a dojo member his skills, enthusiasm and background have many similarities yet considerable diversity of aikido as well. I'm looking forward to finding our a little more of his school and hope you can join us.

The Nakayama  school itself is currently headed by father Douglas Skoyles, who was adopted into the Nakayama family. Aside from the technical expertise of the school Skoyles sensei has found much common ground between his faith and the art which in itself is a fascinating aspect and reflected in the purpose of training Chris tells me.  You can find more information about this school here

Hunting further around online I found Skoyles sensei wrote a forward to well known author Dave Lowry's book 'Sword and Brush', in itself testament to a depth of understanding, you can read online at

Photo courtesy Sue Reilly